داستان آبیدیک

coloring matter


1 هنر:: ماده‌ی رنگ‌کننده

The coloring matter is present in indigo plant leaves as a light yellow substance called indican Rubia cordifolia is known as Indian madder, manjishth, or manjeet, and its coloring matter is a mixture of munjistin and purpurin. Maximum coloring matter can be obtained from the 3 to 4-year-old tree. It contains two coloring matters, a water-soluble yellow present in abundance (26-36 %) which was not used as a dye and the scarlet red water-insoluble carthamin present only to the extent of 0.3-0.6 %. The yellow amorphous coloring matter has to be completely removed from carthamin before the latter is used for dyeing as its presence even in small quantities affects the pure pinkish shade imparted by the red dye.

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